- 文章究竟说了什么?
- What does the paper say ?
- 不需要论文和软件。
- No paper or software required .
- 你减少使用塑料制品和纸张。
- You turn down plastic and paper .
- 如果oneriot给我们一个选择,将一个url复制粘贴到oneriot的搜索框,来搜索某个链接相关的对话,也会非常的好。
- It would also be nice if oneriot gave us the option to search for conversations around a specific link by copying and pasting a url into oneriot 's search box .
- 对于一些比较简单的应用,开发者只需简单的将superrewards代码复制和粘贴到自己的程序中即可。
- For relatively simple applications , this can be as easy as copying and pasting super rewards code into their own programs .
- 播期对不同筋力型小麦品种淀粉糊化特性的影响。
- Effect of sowing dates on starch pasting properties of wheat cultivars with different gluten strength .