- 不管付出什么代价,做出什么牺牲,我都要呆在这个职业生涯的天堂之中。
- At whatever the cost and no matter the sacrifice , that was professional nirvana .
- 两种4g技术都许诺无线天堂:快速,无处不在的宽带。
- Both 4g technologies promise wireless nirvana : fast , ubiquitous broadband .
- 格林斯潘描述的世界看上去就像一个全球市场天堂它具有一个非常奇怪的特点:在全球竞争不断加剧的世界中,利润远远高于其应处水平。
- The world he is describing looks like a global market nirvana - with one very odd feature : profits are much higher than they should be in a world of ever-intensifying global competition .