- 一小点出乎意料的装饰将会引起路人一长串的欢呼。
- A little unexpected decoration goes a long way in cheering up passerby .
- 尼安德特人社会发展先进,但是没有留下任何艺术品,装饰品或是珠宝饰品。
- Socially advanced but left no signs of art , decoration or jewellery .
- 汉字在衣服装饰,艺术作品以及纹身上很流行。
- They 're a popular decoration on clothing and artwork and tattoos .
- 你怎样来装饰圣诞树呢?
- How do you decorate a christmas tree ?
- 用一些跑步纪念品来装饰你的工作空间。
- Decorate your workspace with running memorabilia .
- 图书室的壁和天花板都有镀金装饰。
- Gold gilded walls and ceilings decorate the library .
- 这以把他们打包到交易型开放式指数基金上赚钱而告终。
- It ended up packaging them into an exchange-traded fund and making money .
- 沃尔玛通过减少浪费性的包装材料省下了一大笔钱。
- Walmart has saved a fortune by reducing wasteful packaging .
- 制造和包装也可能会分开。
- Manufacturing and packaging may be separate .