- 这里存在一个大数缺陷。
- There is a flaw of large numbers .
- 缺陷在于它的目标不现实。
- The flaw lies in the unrealistic goal .
- 这种自相矛盾,暴露了普京的主张中一个更大的漏洞。
- This contradiction points to a larger flaw in the putin project .
- 但空气在接近裂缝的时候速度会越来越快,杰弗里兰迪斯说,他是美国宇航局在克利夫兰格伦研究中心的一位物理学家。
- But air picks up speed as it approaches a fissure , said geoffrey landis , a physicist at nasa 's glenn research center in cleveland .
- 埃切尔伯格补充说火山口的崩裂和裂缝没有出乎意料,观测站监视火山的科学工作者在火山口崩裂的几小时前就注意到了其地震数据的变化。
- Eichelberger added that the crater collapse and fissure were not surprises , as observatory scientists monitoring the volcano had noticed changes in their seismic data a few hours before the crater collapsed .
- 窝沟封闭剂的封闭性研究。
- Study of two methods for pit and fissure sealing .
- 一些人担心公务员热会对商业不利。
- Some worry that the craze for government jobs may be bad for business .
- 公司的重组和并购热对于律师,会计还有投资银行家们总是好事情。
- The mergers-and-acquisitions craze is good news for lawyers , accountants , and investment bankers .
- 并且在2007年发布了iphone后引起全球的智能手机热的狂潮,同样它的itunes也震撼了数字音乐产业。
- It also ushered in the smartphone craze after it released the iphone in 2007 and rocked the digital music industry with itunes .
- 2009年表现出色的新兴市场,仍将是今年首选的资产类别。
- After a cracking 2009 , emerging markets are still the asset class of choice for this year .
- 用塑料填充气凝胶的气孔可以弥补气凝胶的易碎性,并且相反的,气凝胶中的粘土分子网络会防止塑料开裂。
- Filling the pores in the aerogel with plastic should remove its fragility and , conversely , the network of clay molecules in the aerogel will stop the plastic cracking .
- 因此,在可预见的未来,赵艾和他的朋友们还是无法摆脱长途跋涉困境和面对那个开裂的、慢慢老化的房子以及没自来水和暖气的日子。
- So for the foreseeable future , zhao ai and his friends are stuck with their long journeys and school days in an ageing , cracking building with no running water or heating .
- 以往曾开采,但玉石为灰白色,且裂纹较多,又含黑色晕斑,无质量上乘之玉。
- Had exploited in the past , but the malachite was ashen , and there was more crackle , include the black tinge spot again , there is no jade having good quality .
- 你能把我那收音机的杂音除掉吗?
- Can you get rid of the crackle on my radio ?
- 英国武装部队电台(britisharmedforcesradio)的无线电频率如今只有静电在劈啪作响。
- Radio frequencies used by british armed forces radio now only crackle with static .