- 呼吸紧促或胸口痛也可以说明你有心脏猝死的危险,但是这样的可能性很小,而且这也可能是年轻人有其它健康问题的一个信号,比如哮喘。
- Shortness of breath or chest pain may also be a sign that you 're at risk of sudden cardiac death , but these are rare and may be a sign of other health problems in young people , such as asthma .
- 有关方面一直鼓励bp和其它公司在墨西哥湾寻找难以开采的石油储量,而该地区接近高度敏感的旅游、渔业和生态区,这一事实警告我们:全球能源体系正面临压力,而且这种压力将进一步加大。
- The fact that bp and other companies have been encouraged to winkle out inaccessible pockets of oil in the gulf of mexico , close to highly sensitive areas for tourism , fishing and ecology is a warning sign that the world 's energy system is under pressures , and that pressure is set to grow .
- 这位高盛经济学家一直是赤字鹰派人物的眼中钉。
- When we learned that employees of goldman sachs , a group that overwhelmingly supported barack obama in 2008 , shifted their allegiances to mitt romney this election , many saw it as a sign that the president had alienated the investment bank .