- 新的改革法案去掉了繁琐的手续,让企业解雇员工变得更加方便。
- By cutting red tape the new law makes it easier and cheaper to lay off workers .
- 关闭四家精神病院和解雇948名员工的决定对于阿拉巴马的财政预算来说是一个消极的暗示。
- The decision to close four hospitals and lay off 948 employees is a bleak reminder of alabama 's shrinking budget .
- 新罕布什尔州当对是否通过加利福尼亚州预算的疯狂辩论还在进行时,州政府开始解雇数千名工作人员了。
- Frantic negotiations to pass california 's budget took place as the process to lay off thousands of state workers began .