- 再次,我不做判断。
- Again I do not judge .
- 我们很难对此话进行评判。
- This claim is hard to judge .
- 布罗姆利法官问妈妈。
- Judge bromley asked my mother .
- 更为困难的是,辨明选民想要哪种经济政策。
- It is more difficult to discern what kind of economic policies voters want .
- 在电脑屏幕上辨明质量问题的难度较大但(从理论上讲)价格是一目了然的。
- Qualitative issues are harder to discern on a computer screen but price is plain ( in theory ) .
- 使用者还需要学会分辨哪些度数意味着处于危险辐射等级、哪些读数正常。
- Owners of the devices need to discern between dangerous radiation levels and a normal background reading .
- 我怎么判断该装哪种?
- How do I decide which to install ?
- 决定你想要做的事。
- Decide what you want to do .
- 富有的捐赠者决定着选举么?
- Do rich donors decide elections ?
- 它们必须降低国内需求。
- They must reduce domestic demand .
- 上周,财政部宣称将会削减至一次。
- Last week it said it would reduce these to one .
- 开源软件可以削减甚至消除对咨询顾问与技术支持的需求。
- Open-source software can reduce or eliminate the need for consultants and tech support .