- 然而,不管他们多少次怀疑并不是她自己用煤气寻短见的,他们永远没法证明是他谋杀的。
- However often they thought , though , that she had not gassed herself they would never be able to prove that he had murdered her .
- 黎巴嫩宣布国际法庭开始生效黎巴嫩司法部长查勒尔利兹克10日宣布,审理黎巴嫩前总理哈里里遇害案的国际法庭从当天起自动生效。
- Lebanon announces world court begins go into effectchaleer licike announces lebanon attorney general 10 days , the world court that hears case of the be murdered in lebanon ex-premier harry rises from that day self-executing .
- 它处理订单,它提供酒水服务,它凶残地对待那些表现得似乎希望被凶残对待的人。
- It took orders , it served drinks , it dealt murderously with people who behaved as if they wanted to be murdered .
- 若不出卖基斯多明会是受害人。
- See , if you don 't betray chris , you victimize dominick .
- 别欺侮弱小的人。
- Don 't victimize the weak .
- 我知道你想牵怒於我,伙计。
- I knew you were gonna victimize me , man .