- 第六十三条被保险人或者投保人可以变更受益人并书面通知保险人。
- Article 63 the insured or the insurant may change the beneficiaries and notify the insurer in writing .
- 此规则对于长期人寿保险合同下的被保险人意义重大。
- This rule is important to the insurant under the long-term life insurance contract .
- 保险利益是指投保人对保险标的具有的法律上承认的利益。
- Insurable interest refers to the interest of the insurant in the objects of insurance recognized by law .
- 要是不是所有58名民主党参议员,至少绝大部分都会投赞成票,条约支持者们对此是信心十足的,但目前却只有一枚来自共和党内最资深的外交关系委员会成员---理查德鲁格的赞成票是确定的。
- The treaty 's backers feel reasonably confident that most if not all of the 58 democratic senators will vote for it , but only one republican vote is currently assured : that of richard lugar , the party 's most senior member of the foreign-relations committee .
- 迈耶用自信的充满叙述性张力的语言讲述了整个故事。
- Mr. meyer 's voice is assured , and the story crackles with narrative tension .
- 在金融危机中,他以把握和自信的表现比出麦凯恩的头脑发热。
- On the financial crisis his performance has been as assured as mr mccain 's has been febrile .