- 蛋白尿可能是诱导观察性促炎症表型的主要因素之一。
- Proteinuria might be one of the main factors inducing the observed pro-inflammatory phenotype .
- 巨噬细胞的树突状细胞表现型在泡沫细胞形成时的诱导作用。
- Induction of dendritic cell-like phenotype in macrophages during foam cell formation .
- 肾细胞癌治疗反应的基因型和表现型预测因子。
- Genotype and phenotype predictors in therapy response in renal cell carcinoma .
- 他们的分析发现与为人深知的研究不同(caspi等人),这种基因的基因型和抑郁风险之间没有关联并且在基因型和大量压力性生活事件之间也没有显著的相互作用。
- Their analysis found -- contrary to a very well known study , caspi et al . -- That there was no association between genotype for this gene and depression risk and no significant interaction between genotype and number of stressful life events .
- 如果你可以证明你的特定人群中的一部分,由于特定环境史,从而在疾病与他们的基因型之间有更强的联系,那么你可以主张在环境-基因的相互作用增强了基因的效应。
- If you can show that a subset of your population with a particular environmental history , there is an even greater association between the disease and their genotype , you can argue that the interaction between the two potentiated the effect of the gene .
- 像这样的后生性机制允许普通基因型产生多种可能的显型。
- Such epigenetic mechanisms permit a common genotype to producemultiple possible phenotypes .