- 每次孩子铺完自己的床后就让他把一个补丁涂成彩色。
- Each time your child makes her bed , let her color a patch .
- 火狐浏览器,宣称是最安全的浏览器,也需要持续地打补丁。
- Firefox browser , marketed as the most secure , has to patch the code continuously .
- 如果足球协会和社会网络能够变成一个名不副实的国家,谁还会需要一块沙滩呢?
- If football authorities and social networks can turn into states of sorts , who needs a patch of sand ?
- 这个想法有一定道理,但该地区真的在好转么?
- The idea has some merit , but is the region really on the mend ?
- 政策措施必须修补长链中这个破裂的一环。
- Policy actions need to mend this broken link in the chain .
- 修补失业保险制度缺陷的几项举措正在进行中。
- Several moves are afoot to mend the flaws in the ui system .
- 这张资讯图像提出了一些简单的概念,例如在你刷牙的时候先关上水龙头,淋浴只需10分钟(讨厌,他们非得提到淋浴)。
- The infographic gives some simple ideas on how to start like turning off the tap water while brushing and only showering for 10 minutes ( darn , they had to mention the showers ) .
- 矮松树苗要花上几十年的时间成为松树而因为讨厌嘈杂的邻居,在美国西部的森林中作为数百种关键物种栖息地的矮松树苗可能永远不会生根。
- Pinon seedlings take decades to become pinon pines , a critical habitat for hundreds of species in the western u.s. so the forest of the future may never take root . Darn noisy neighbors .
- 去感受那该死的邪恶的腌肉味。
- Feel the smell of darn evil bacon .