- 有一个故事说一个衣衫褴褛、神色疲惫的老人。
- One story has a tired old man , shabbily dressed .
- 布朗警官打量了一下那孤单单的身影,他衣衫褴褛,模样挺可怜,也许他无家可归吧?
- P.c. brown regarded the forlorn figure , shabbily dressed . The man seemed miserable , homeless perhaps ?
- 茜比尔?范在一群其貌不扬,衣着寒酸的演员之间跳着,象一个从哪个美好的世界来的生灵。
- Through the crowd of ungainly , shabbily dressed actors , sibyl vane moved like a creature from a finer world .
- 国际会议中心有着光滑的大理石地板,宽阔的大厅,璀璨的灯光,政商界的新精英们迤逦成行、衣着华丽;这里则是尘土砂砾,衣衫褴褛,原野空气清新。
- At the international convention center it was smooth marble floors , cavernous expanses , bright lights , with the new business and government elite arrayed in all their finery ; here it was dust , grit , tattered clothes , and the fresh air of the country .
- 拉提佛用破烂的垃圾袋作为外壳手套,按压他的伤口止血。
- Letchford pressed his wounds to stem the bleeding , using tattered garbage bags as surgical gloves .
- 现在,麦凯恩先生的智囊的可怜品质在更大程度上折射出他所在的党的破烂的知识状况。
- Now , to a large extent the poor quality of mr. mccain 's advisers reflects the tattered intellectual state of his party .