- 一些人喜欢把衬衣摺叠起来,但我喜欢把我的挂在衣架上。
- Some people fold their blouses , but I like to hang mine on a hanger .
- 悬崖衣架型:这些人非常有热情,每件事都等到最后经常在最后的截止日期前才完成所有的事情。
- Cliff hanger : these people thrive on excitement , delay everything to the last minute and usually need a deadline to complete anything .
- 通过将衣架的功能与折叠椅进行揉和,新的混合体诞生:折叠椅即使不用的时候也有一个功能,就是能使我们有序地存放衣服。
- By morphing the function of the hanger with that of the folding chair , a new hybrid is born : a hanger chair that has a function , even when not in use , to store our clothes in an orderly fashion .