- 美国的官方贫穷标准却非常简单。
- America 's official poverty measure is far simpler .
- 我们如何衡量贫困呢?
- How do we measure poverty ?
- 他们还测量国民幸福指数。
- They also measure gross national happiness .
- 一个例子是由加拿大运输部领导的联合冬季跑道摩擦测量程序。
- One example was the joint winter runway friction measurement program led by transport canada .
- 碳排放量是衡量一个国家的人为产生的温室气体如二氧化碳的排放量。
- Carbon emissions are a measurement of a country 's man-made emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide .
- 无论根据哪一种衡量标准,你所想的答案都是错误的。
- Whatever answer you have in mind is wrong , according to one measurement or another .
- 不过英石油当然有权自行衡量他们这桩交易的得失。
- But bp is surely free to weigh the merits of a deal .
- 这很不幸:必须由社会决定法律应如何衡量隐私和创新。
- That is unfortunate : society must decide how the law should weigh privacy against innovation .
- 司法体系是用来衡量被告数量与规模的,这其中的奇事也很普遍。
- So do several quirks of the justice system , which weigh the scales against the accused .
- 再次,我不做判断。
- Again I do not judge .
- 我们很难对此话进行评判。
- This claim is hard to judge .
- 布罗姆利法官问妈妈。
- Judge bromley asked my mother .
- 让我们来做一个全面的衡量。
- Let 's do the fuller measures .
- 印度目前正在采取补救措施。
- Remedial measures are being implemented .
- 从很多方面来衡量,他都是成功的。
- He has succeeded on many measures .
- 我试图将我所能体会的每个情绪分离出来,作为一个我必须反复思量的问题。
- I try to separate each emotion I feel into a question that I must ponder .
- 航空公司可能会思考这个永恒的真理。
- Airlines might ponder this timeless truth .
- 花几分钟思考一下,这到底意味着什么。
- Ponder for a moment what this means .