- 在城市街道和农村小路边的品蓝色广告牌上,洪森的头像格外醒目。
- Along city streets and rural lanes , his portrait is splashed on royal blue billboards .
- 这些人不是别人,就是混迹于街头巷尾的黑职介的"从业者"。
- These people are not others , mix the " practitioner " that mark uprights at the black duty of streets and lanes namely .
- 错综复杂的道路与小径上有许多石砌建筑,而交缠环绕着的是throgmorton街的老股票交易所,与它紧挨着的就是银行,里面容纳着自金融大变革以来瓜分伦敦股票经纪和交易活动的英国公司。
- The stone-clad buildings on the mazy streets and narrow lanes around the old stock exchange on throgmorton street , close to the bank , housed the british firms that carved up london 's stockbroking and trading until the big bang reforms .