- 好好想想吧,我们能在皇家一英里街上“扫街”,在那么多设计师的店里花钱购物。
- Just think about it c we could go flouncing along the royal mile , spend plenty of money at designer stores .
- 你自己想想,一辈子跟住他,咬住他的衣服,你不是他的狗是什么?
- Just think about it . You follow him all your life , clinging to his coattails with your teeth . If you aren 't his running dog , then what are you ?
- 只是保管好你放在阁楼上的那个盒子,每年,清明的那天,把它搬出来,想想我。
- Just keep that box you have in the attic with you , and every year , at qingming , just take it out and think about me .