- 但是工业界想要更多。
- But the industry wants more .
- 看看音乐产业就明白了。
- Just ask the music industry .
- 美国的工业依然很强。
- American industry remains very strong .
- 加勒比海岸英语的国家有三个主要的商业区。
- The english-speaking caribbean apart , it has three broad trade blocks .
- 卡尔梅克蒙古人最为成功的商业领域是建筑业和小买卖。
- The most successful kalmyk mongolian businesses are the house building trade and small businesses .
- 一种办法是通过交易。
- One way is through trade .
- 相反我很厌恶他对教育行业的蔑视。
- I hate his contempt for the teaching profession .
- 你在信仰和职业之间左右为难。
- Caught between your religion and your profession .
- 这给这个灰色行业添加了不需要的色彩。
- This added unwanted colour to a grey profession .