- 当奥巴马的飞机抵达德国后,出乎意料的是,国际社会似乎已形成一致看法:奥巴马不但正确地指出伊拉克战争本不应该发生,他还在更广泛的意义上,正确地指出了结束伊拉克战争的途径。
- By the time obama 's plane touched down in germany , an utterly unanticipated consensus seemed to have emerged : besides having been right about the iraq war 's beginning ( i. e. , that it should not have had one ) , he is right , in broad outline , about the path to its ending .
- 议会……享有……造法或不造法的绝对权利;甚而,英格兰法未赋予任何人或任何机构以凌驾或无视议会立法的权利。
- The right to make or unmake any law whatever ; and further , that no person or body is recognised by the law of england as having a right to override or set aside the legislation of parliament . Parliament is not bound by its precedetor .
- 为避免我的德国朋友指责我站在过失方一边、而不是站在受害方一边,我承认默克尔有权站在她的立场上主张,雅典方面不得因藐视本国对伙伴国承担的庄严义务而受到奖励。
- Lest I am accused by my german friends of taking the side of the sinner against the sinned against , ms merkel has right on her side in saying that athens must not be rewarded for disdaining its solemn obligations to its partners .