- 想想关于经济政府而发生的争吵吧。
- Consider the row over economic government .
- 这场争吵与正义几无瓜葛。
- The row has little to do with justice .
- 这一整排的楼房很醒目。
- It dominated the whole row .
- 中间的一行有七个音节。
- The middle line has seven syllables .
- 这里是第二条装配线。
- Here is the second assembly line .
- 有史以来最棒的销售线?
- The best sales line ever ?
- 平板电脑很适合旅行使用。
- Tablets are good for travel .
- 你要乘汽车去旅行吗?
- Will you travel by bus ?
- 旅行勒令看起来毫无意义。
- The travel edict looks pointless .
- 你的言语和行为至关重要。
- How you conduct yourself is important .
- 它将监控英特尔未来的行为。
- It is to monitor future conduct .
- iarc的专家组没有进行新的研究。
- The iarc panel did not conduct new research .