- 宣战之后,到处都是意想不到的热情,欣喜不已的动员结果,这些倾倒了古老大陆物质的,经济的,社会的基础,深深地伤害了公民的肉体以及精神,动摇了他们是信念以及信仰。
- The declaration of war , the unexpected zeal , the joyful mobilization on all sides-in the end , these overturned the material , economic , and social foundations of the old continent , wounding civilians in their flesh and in their spirit , shaking their convictions and their faith .
- 对这个以好客和宜居性引以为荣的城市而言,这就是一种伤害。
- It was wounding for a city that prides itself on hospitality and livability .
- 一个北极熊袭击了一个探险营地,伤害了4个人并莎死了一个17岁的英国学生horatiochapple.
- A polar bear attacked an expedition camp , wounding four people and killing 17-year-old british student horatio chapple .
- 她的血管里流着贵族的血。
- Blue blood flowed in her vein .
- 血月下的生物能够冲破门。
- Blood moon creatures can smash through doors .
- 这个姿势可以促进血液循环。
- This position promotes positive blood flow .