- 很久以前,丹麦人把干草灰当做调味品来使用,雷哲毕也继承了这一传统:因为干草灰闻起来隐约有种爆米花的气味,所以被放入了鸡蛋类菜肴,也用来和帝王蟹搭配烹调。
- Danes long ago used the ashes of hay as a seasoning , so mr. redzepi does , too : they smell vaguely of popcorn , and have accessorized both an egg dish and one with king crab .
- 很久以前,丹麦人把干草灰当做调味品来使用,雷哲毕也继承了这一传统:因为干草灰闻起来隐约有种爆米花的气味,所以被放入了鸡蛋类菜肴,也用来和帝王蟹搭配烹调。
- Danes long ago used the ashes of hay as a seasoning , so mr. redzepi does , too : they smell vaguely of popcorn , and have accessorized both an egg dish and one with king crab .