- 这个螺旋线展示的领袖品质,使得去伪存真的组合变得轮廓清晰。
- By the apparent leadership of the screw thread , the refined combination comes into focus .
- 对螺旋的创新诠释使得高度调节变得明显并容易。
- The new interpretation of the screw makes the height adjustment self-explanatory and easy .
- 百事公司(pepsico)首席执行官英德拉努伊(indranooyi)近期曾说过,消费者以前也许会不喝完一瓶螺旋盖饮料,现在他们会一饮而尽。
- Indra nooyi , pepsico 's ceo , said recently that consumers who might have previously left a screw top bottled drink unfinished , now finish it off .