- 有些种类的蜗牛有着从里到外逆时针的螺壳,不过这少见的多。
- Some species of snail have shells that spiral out in an anticlockwise direction , but it is much rarer .
- 于是构筑区域金融防御工事的努力付诸实施,尽管是以亚洲多边外交中典型的蜗牛速度行进。
- So the effort to build regional financial defences carries on , albeit at the snail 's pace typical of asian multilateral diplomacy .
- 还好,最近一项对蜗牛壳螺旋线的研究也许能给这个谜题带来一线光明。
- Recent research , though , into the way a snail 's shell spirals may throw new light on this puzzle .
- 一汽轿车和海螺水泥均指出价格下跌是利润大幅下滑的原因之一。
- Faw and anhui conch both cite falling prices as one of the reasons for plunging profits .
- 印度,博帕尔:一名印度人民党的支持者吹响海螺,为在该党总部举行的这次庆典助兴。
- Bhopal , india : a supporter of the bharatiya janata party blows a conch during celebrations at the party 's headquarters
- 水泥业巨头海螺水泥股份有限公司(anhuiconchcementco.)警告说,该公司上半年的净利润同比可能会下降50%。
- Giant cement mixer anhui conch warned that their net profit is likely to drop 50 % on-year in the first half .