- 豆娘是蜻蜓的近亲,蜻蜓的体型较大,强壮,而豆娘体型纤细,小巧精致。
- The damselfly is a close relative of the dragonfly , but slimmer and daintier than its larger , more powerful cousin .
- 5/12北方豆娘(northerndamselfly)呈现一种特别的蓝色色调,但却是一个差劲的“飞行员”,其飞行范围非常有限,只在苏格兰的少数几个小湖及及英国其他几个地方活动。
- 5 / 12 The northern damselfly has an extraordinary blue hue , but is a weak flyer with a very restricted range and is found in only a few small lochans in scotland and other parts of the uk
- 这只蜻蜓栖息在一片叶子边缘,沉思了一会儿。
- Perched on the edge of a leaf , this damselfly takes a moment to gather his thoughts .
- 一只蜻蜓远在那沙漠做什么,他说不清。
- What a dragonfly was doing out here in the desert , he couldn 't say .
- studencice,斯洛文尼亚:一只蜻蜓在树枝上憩息。
- Studencice , slovenia : a dragonfly sits on a twig
- 在科洛的梅萨县,警局正在测试一架名为蜻蜓x6的无人机。
- In mesa county , colo. , the sheriff 's department is testing a drone called the dragonfly x6 .