- 这个位置被赋予给了蝉,蝉的第一个决定是为他的办公室买一张地毯和一把符合人体工学的椅子。
- The position was given to the cicada , whose first decision was to buy a carpet and an ergonomic chair for his office .
- 窗外的知了总是在叫个不停。
- Window called the cicada always stop .
- 传说在很早很早的时候,知了是不会飞的。
- When the morning is very very early , the cicada is will not to fly .
- 上海猜趣网络科技有限公司首席执行官王天Mr。
- Wang Tian , CEO , Shanghai Caiqu Web Science and Technology Company , Limited .
- 天津中行应尽快完善账户区分管理,并设立独立的会计核算科目。
- BOC Tian jintianjin shall improve account classification management and establish independent book-keeping titles .
- 三鹿集团董事长田文华定于星期三出庭。
- Sanlu group \'s chairwoman ( Tian Wenhua ) is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday .