- 我的意思是,我听到流言说她要离去。
- I mean , I heard rumors about her leaving .
- 如何解释这个传言呢?
- How to explain the rumors ?
- 这些流言在数小时之内传遍了全镇。
- Within hours the rumors had circled the town .
- 对待衍生产品的评价趋势介于流言和网络游戏之间是阴险的。
- The trend toward treating derivatives as a cross between gossip and videogames is insidious .
- 情报、传闻、流言和嚼舌头是很多群体的血液。
- Intelligence , rumour , gossip and tittle-tattle is the lifeblood of many groups .
- 你热衷流言蜚语的话,人们就不会相信你。
- If you gossip , people won 't confide in you .