- 有一次,当他们并排趴在地板上做他的家庭作业时,他用钢笔扎住一只蟑螂。
- At one point , while they are lying side by side on the floor doing his homework , he stabs a cockroach with his pen .
- 饮料里的蟑螂的确令人恶心,但是串起来的蚱蜢却可能变成午餐。
- A cockroach in your drink is gross , but a grasshopper on a stick could be lunch .
- 孤独之中,他找了只蟑螂hal来陪伴他。
- In all that solitude , at least he has hal the cockroach to keep him company .
- 大卫就照著迦得奉耶和华名所说的话上去了。
- And david went up , as gad had said in the name of the lord .
- 大卫就照着迦得的话,就是耶和华所吩咐的,上去了。
- And david went up according to gad 's word , as jehovah had commanded .
- “我们家道艰难,走不起,”
- We 're too hard up to gad about .