- 德兰尼称:“看看Nest身后的众多大人物以及他们手头握有的雄厚资金,即使是霍尼韦尔这样的巨头也应该明白,Nest并不是一个由几个人在车库里开办的小作坊。”
- Any time you see the depth of the people backing that company and the bankrolls that come along with it , even if you 're honeywell , you know this is not some little startup by some guy in a garage , " says delaney .
- 这家位于加州帕洛阿托的公司承诺,售价250美元的Nest设备可以将用户的供暖和制冷账单减少高达20%。
- The palo alto , calif. , - based nest promises the $ 250 device can lower your heating and cooling bills by up to 20 % . "
- 屋燕一般只炖四十五分钟即可,洞燕需炖三小时或以上;而黄燕或血黄燕也需炖较长时间。
- House nest is stewed for 45 minutes mostly , and cave nest is stewed for 3 hours or more ; yellow nest and blood-red nest require longer time for stewing .