- 只有当阿桑格把他的磁盘藏在一个养蜂场之后,他才可以得到片刻的放松。
- Assange could relax only when he hid his disks in an apiary that he kept .
- 在我包里有一瓶蜂蜜,这是我从住宿过的多伦多约克费尔蒙酒店里带来的(在这家酒店的屋顶上有一个蜂房)。
- I had a jar of honey in my bag from the toronto york fairmont hotel where I had spent the night ( it has an apiary on the roof ) .
- 这些规定是蜂房所在地必须满足的条件,迁移地也是一样。
- These requirements rule for all apiary sites , including migration sites .
- 这是在燃料电池中发生的事情。
- That 's what happens in a fuel cell .
- 理解细胞的运作过程非常重要。
- Understanding cell movement then is important .
- 电池生产商的利润空间似乎下滑的更猛。
- Margins for cell producers seem to have fallen even more dramatically .
- 其中,制作蜂窝糖用的蜂蜜是从纽约的蜂园那儿采集来的
- The honey in the honeycomb candy is gathered from hives in new york city .
- 如果病毒壳变异,蜂窝结构就会解锁,病毒随之解体。
- If the shell mutates , the honeycomb won 't lock together , and the virus would collapse .
- 比如摩托罗拉和芯片制造商英伟达(nvidiacorp.)就是两家首先使用蜂巢的公司。
- Motorola and chip maker nvidia corp. , for example , were the first to use honeycomb .