- 位於西营盘的歌德式教堂救恩堂曾是英国上海自卫队的军营及医院.
- The gothic-style kau yan church , which was used as a military camp and hospital by the british shanghai defence force .
- 西机动小钓艇渔民信用无限责任合作社
- " Kau sai mechanised small long liner fishermen 's credit co-operative society , unlimited "
- 最近在大屿山白芒、西洲、马湾东湾仔进行的抢救发掘工作,均发现大量层次排列整齐的汉代遗物,包括各类陶瓷器皿及铁器。
- Recent rescue excavations at pak mong on lantau island , on kau sai chau island and tung wan tsai on ma wan island all yielded considerable quantities of han dynasty finds in well-stratified sequences , which included pottery vessels of various kinds and iron implements .