- 一般来说,肚子疼常见的原因有肠痉挛、蛔虫病、痢疾、肠套叠、阑尾炎等。
- Generally speaking , the belly hurts the common reason to have the intestines convulsion , the roundworm disease , dysentery , the intestines telescope , the appendicitis and so on .
- 河盲症,是由黑蝇产卵传播,而卵生长时破坏眼部组织的疾病;蚊子以同样的方法传播蠕虫,这些蠕虫会堵塞淋巴系统从而导致产生象皮病;十二指肠虫,蛔虫以及鞭虫都来通过土壤传染。
- With river blindness , black flies spread larvae that when grown destroy eye tissue ; mosquitoes do the same for the worms that block the lymphatic system in elephantiasis ; hookworm , roundworm and whipworm are soil-born .
- 胆道蛔虫病的内镜诊断和治疗体会。
- Diagnosis and treatment of biliary tract roundworm disease with endoscopy .
- 术后胆道镜取蛔虫32例分析。
- Experience of postoperative choledochoscopic ascarid extraction : an analysis of 32 cases .
- 我女儿挺瘦的,有时也不爱吃饭,我家人都说要检查蛔虫,可没去检。
- My daughter is quite thin , love eats neither sometimes , my family all says the essential points examination ascarid , may have gone and not have checked up .
- 此时,服用肠虫清等驱蛔虫药,即可治愈,方法是每天早晨空腹服用2粒。
- Right now , take the drive ascarid drug such as alvine bug qing dynasty , can cure , the method is everyday the morning is hollow take 2 .