- 或许这可以解释今年目前为止,巴特那的bpm医院已经增加了近130个被蛇咬伤的病人,几乎所有被咬伤的人都是被这种蝰蛇咬伤的。
- Perhaps this explains why so far this year , the bpm hospital in patna has admitted about 130 snake bite patients , nearly all of them bitten by bandy .
- 或许这可以解释今年目前为止,巴特那的bpm医院已经增加了近130个被蛇咬伤的病人,几乎所有被咬伤的人都是被这种蝰蛇咬伤的。
- Perhaps this explains why so far this year , the bpm hospital in patna has admitted about 130 snake bite patients , nearly all of them bitten by bandy .
- 风水专家说,蛇也被称作小龙,蛇年出生的人被认为勤奋、理性、有条理,但是他们也会非常自我。
- Snakes are also known as little dragons and people born in the year of the snake are thought to be intelligent , rational and organized , though they can also be egotistic , according to feng shui experts .