- 8个大型牡蛎养殖场可能清除切萨皮克湾中1吨的氮。
- Eight large-scale oyster farms could clean a ton of nitrogen from the chesapeake .
- 我们待在我们的朋友迪克弗里德曼的家里,他的家靠近牡蛎池塘。
- We stayed at the home of our friend dick friedman near oyster pond .
- 一只牡蛎上面点缀着一朵迷迭香花和一团柔软的香草泡沫。
- An oyster is served topped with a rosemary flower and a gentle foam of vanilla .
- 石卷镇以渔业、牡蛎养殖以及黄瓜和番茄的种植闻名。
- The city is known for its fishing and oysters , cucumbers and tomatoes .
- 切萨皮克湾找到了新的抗污战士,那就是养殖的牡蛎。
- The chesapeake bay could get helped by a new antipollution expert : farmed oysters .
- 风流浪子据说会和他的情妇们分享牡蛎,以刺激她们的性欲。
- Casanova was said to share oysters with his paramours to whet their sexual appetites .
- 从环境保护的观点来说,甚至更好的是养殖软体动物,象贻贝、蛤和牡蛎。
- Even better , from an environmental point of view , are molluscs such as mussels , clams and oysters .
- 我通常吃海豹,但也能吃海象,蚌类,甚至是浆果和海藻。
- I normally eat seals but also can dine on walruses , mussels or even berries and seaweed .
- 最近的研究发现,海水酸化比以前认为的快十倍,这对蚌类、牡蛎、和其它生活在沿岸区域的动物有干扰作用。
- A recent study found the seas acidifying ten times faster than previously believed , with disturbing effects on mussels , oysters and other animals living in coastal regions .