- 存在的技术越多,技术组合的可能性也就越大,从而产生出更新更复杂的产品,并导致整个产业的革命化。
- The more technologies that exist , the greater the number of combinatorial possibilities , resulting in ever newer and more complex products that revolutionize industries .
- 把这个数字乘以17(即欧元区成员国的数量,其中很多也同样受到破裂政治体系的困扰),美国就会明白在一个更复杂的背景下要达成一致所面临的挑战有多大。
- Multiple that by seventeen , the number of countries in the eurozone , many of which are similarly beset by fracturing political systems , and the us gets how the dimensions of the challenge take on a more complex texture .
- 存在的技术越多,技术组合的可能性也就越大,从而产生出更新更复杂的产品,并导致整个产业的革命化。
- The more technologies that exist , the greater the number of combinatorial possibilities , resulting in ever newer and more complex products that revolutionize industries .