- 现在以计算机维生的人越来越多了(这样说一点也不夸张,因为我就是一个),但你知道吗!
- The person that supports oneself with the computer now is increasing ( such saying exaggerative not at all , because I am ) , but do you know !
- 夸张思维是就某种思想对象的某种具体特征进行超越客观事实的纵向想像的思维形式。
- As for some concrete cllaracteristic of some object of thought , exaggerative thought is the vertical and imaginary form of thought , which excels the fact .
- 听起来,这种体型应是最完美的身材,但是过大的臀部和骨盆,太丰满且下垂的胸部,使整个体型显得夸张,而且美感尽失。
- Sound , this kind of bodily form should be the most perfect figure , but too big hip and pelvis , too plump and flagging bosom , make whole bodily form appears exaggerative , and aesthetic feeling all is broken .
- 我们可能会遇到一些发言者说声夸夸其谈一个高频率的歌曲,而同样变得几乎听不到低。
- We may come across some speakers that sound bombastic on a high frequency song while the same becomes almost inaudible at low .
- 阿德里安陈从他的言过其实的okcupid配置文件到给一个19岁女孩的情书中,维基泄密的创始人朱利安阿桑格表现出一些奇怪的浪漫倾向。
- Adrian chen - from his bombastic okcupid profile to his creepy love letters to a 19-year-old girl , wikileaks founder julian assange has some strange romantic proclivities .
- 哥特金属是一个追求许多不同的方向不同风格的乐队,从“缓慢而沉重的变化”到“交响乐和夸夸其谈”。
- Gothic metal is a varied genre with bands pursuing many different directions , from " slow and crushing variations " to " orchestral and bombastic " .
- 他狠狠挖苦他那个喜欢自吹自擂的兄弟。
- He made a big dig at his boastful brother .
- 每个人都痛恨那个自吹自擂的人及他所代表的一切。
- Everyone hates that boastful man and all that he stands for .
- 但是你应该避免给人感觉太自负。
- But you should avoid sounding overly boastful .