- 这并不是说,我无法做虔诚的人。
- This doesn 't mean I cannot be devout .
- 甚至是最虔诚的教徒都不否认恒河现在的困境。
- Not even the devout deny the plight of the ganges now .
- 虔诚的波拉诺追随者希望最近出版的波拉诺文集能改变这一状况。
- Devout followers might hope that a newly published collection of essays will change that .
- 马丁麦吉尼斯先前强调过,他一直是一个忠实的共和党人,并且透露出他将女王视为北爱尔兰境外的一股政治势力。
- Mr mcguinness stressed beforehand that he was still a devoted republican , and hinted that he regarded the queen as a foreign presence in northern ireland .
- 忠实的影迷可以在红地毯上等待几小时以得到他们所喜爱电影明星的签名,但这不能与取得钚-239的识别标志相比拟。
- Devoted fans can wait hours on the red carpet to get their favourite movie star 's autograph , but that 's nothing compared to acquiring the signature of plutonium-239 .
- 这些媒体可以传达运动的主要的观点之间的争论,以及作为争论的临时阵地,但都没有成为一个忠诚的论坛。
- These outlets may carry polemics from the movement 's leading lights and serve as occasional arenas for debate , but none has become a devoted forum .