- 虔诚的印度教信徒期望通过练习瑜伽而摆脱生死轮回。
- Though the practice of yoga , the reverent indian believer expect to get rid of the life and death samsara .
- 他们都恭敬地保持沉默。
- They all maintained a reverent silence .
- 我是一位虔诚厨师和蜂老板。
- I am a reverent chef and bee boss .
- 迈尔写了超过40本著作,包括基督徒传记和灵修解经书。
- Meyer wrote over 40 books , including christian biographies and devotional commentaries on the .
- 希望读到祈祷作品的读者可能会感到震惊。
- Readers expecting a devotional work are likely to be shocked .
- 图拉西是所有奉爱活动的精华。
- Tulasi is the essence of all devotional activities .
- 提后三5有敬虔的外形,却否认了敬虔的能力;这等人你要躲开。
- 5 Having an outward form of godliness , though denying its power ; from these also turn away .
- 提前二2为君王和一切有权位的也该如此,使我们可以十分敬虔庄重的过平静安宁的生活。
- 2 On behalf of kings and all who are in high position , that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and gravity .
- 一切关乎生命和虔敬的事。
- Everything pertaining to life and godliness .