- 这就是大自然开的一个残忍玩笑。
- It is just a cruel joke of nature .
- 然而,他同样也会冷漠和残忍。
- But also he could be cold and cruel .
- 杀死如此美丽的生命真是太残忍了。
- How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty .
- 类似的在任何一个独裁制度下,权力的拥有者因为从权力那里得到的快乐体验而变得越发暴君似的。
- Similarly in any autocratic regime the holders of power become increasingly tyrannical with experience of the delights that power can afford .
- 托马斯杰斐逊(thomasjefferson)说得好:“强迫一个人出资协助传播他不信仰,并且憎恶的观点,是罪孽深重的,是残暴专横的”。
- Thomas jefferson put it best : " to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical . "
- 从积极的方面来说,他们彻底结束了萨达姆的暴虐统治。
- On the positive side , they conclusively ended the tyrannical rule of saddam hussein .
- 混乱的分裂将是一场灾难。
- A chaotic disintegration would be a calamity .
- 但是对于新艺人来讲这可是一个灾难。
- But for new acts it is a calamity .
- 这场灾难已经开始变得可能。
- This calamity is beginning to look possible .
- 没有则会是个灾难。
- None would be a catastrophe .
- 奥巴马预算展示的是通往财政大灾难的大道。
- Mr obama 's budget reveals a road-map to fiscal catastrophe .
- 这就必然导致灾难反复发生。
- This is a guarantee of repeated catastrophe .
- 那些在bdsm中扮演统治或上位角色的人们会害怕被指控施暴和/或殴打。
- Those persons who assume the dominant or top role in a bdsm encounter may fear being charged with assault and / or battery .
- 不论涉入程度的深浅,参与bdsm的人们在很多方面易受攻击。
- Regardless of the degree of involvement , people who engage in bdsm are vulnerable to attack on many fronts .
- 一方认为,bdsm需要提高危险来获得高度愉悦。
- On one side are those who believe bdsm requires heightened risk to achieve heightened pleasure .
- 他们用他们的残暴性快感机器人和机器人最终像纳特特纳造反,杀死了所有的人类。
- They used robots for their sadistic sexual pleasure and eventually the robots rebelled like nat turner and killed all the humans .
- 在这个残暴军阀统治的贫穷村落里,这两位传教士穿着白衬衫,打着黑领带,面带乐天微笑,充分体现了何谓善意的愚蠢。
- With their white shirts , black ties and wholesome smiles , these men are the picture of well-meaning ignorance in a poor village ruled by a sadistic warlord .
- 他们一起要去寻找冰淇淋店,而到达后,这里已经被黑暗邪恶力量接控制,整个城市笼罩在罪恶,妖怪,和光怪陆离中,他们被包围,危险重重,直到残暴的英雄雨出现,拯救一切和消灭罪恶的源泉。
- Upon arriving , they realize the ice cream shop has been taken over by dark forces , and the whole city is teeming with evil . Bizarre monsters surround blue and emmm on all sides until rain , a sadistic hero , arrives to rescue them and exterminate the source of the evil .