- 尽管将在本月25日开始的下议院补缺选举会议让本来就相对弱势的执政联盟更加如履薄冰,但鉴于主要反对党派统一党(finegael)也拿不出更好的替代方案,因此,财政预算依然可能会获得多数支持。
- Support for the budget seems likely , even though the ruling coalition 's thin parliamentary margin is likely to be even thinner after a by-election on november 25th . Fine gael , the main opposition party , does not have an alternative plan .
- 由于议会投票的结果可能取决于几张选票的微小差距,无论是国大党还是反对党派都在不择手段地进行最后努力,争取独立议员、小党派以及背叛者的支持。
- With the parliamentary vote expected tomorrow likely to be decided by a razor-thin margin of a few votes , both the congress and rival parties are involved in last-minute wheeling and dealing to woo independent legislators , small parties , and defectors .