- 与前一天获得的图像相比较,阿莱克斯变得更为紧密,在暴风内很少见到有晴空或者薄云层的区域。
- Compared to the image acquired the previous day , alex appears tighter , with fewer areas of clear sky or thin clouds within the body of the storm .
- 西维吉尼亚州(准确的说是查尔斯顿西南地区)的农村地区居民如果在2009年12月的某个寒冷的早晨仰望天空的话将有幸看到一柱晕光冲破稀薄的云层在头顶盘旋。
- Looking up on a chilly december morning in 2009 , residents of rural west virginia ( southwest of charleston ) would have seen a halo of light bursting through the thin bank of clouds that hung overhead .
- 不知不觉间,秋深了,天高了,云淡了。
- Imperceptibly , deep autumn , sky high , thin clouds .
- 过了一会儿他说:“假如我是你,我就把那片云去掉。”边说边毫不介意地把手伸向画的一角,好象要涂去这一片云。
- Crossed him a little while to say : " if I am you , I that cloudlet take out . " The frontier says handle of ground of not care a continental extends the limit the one horn to the picture , obliterate of aux appear to this one cloudlet .