- 我种了薰衣草,迷迭香,几种蕨类植物和苔藓。
- I have some lavender , rosemary , and different ferns and mosses at the moment .
- 蕨类植物是最常见的自相似集合,这意味着不管放大或缩小多少倍,它们的图案都可以进行数学上的推导和重现。
- Ferns are a common example of a self-similar set , meaning that their pattern can be mathematically generated and reproduced at any magnification or reduction .
- 虽然能发现类似崔德这样魅力超凡的大家伙着实令人激动不已,但佩奇博物馆的古生物学家们更热衷于寻找更小的化石例如龟类、鼠类、蜗牛、蜈蚣、鱼类和蕨类植物。
- As cool as it is to find charismatic megafauna like zed , paleontologists at the page museum get more excited about the smaller fossils the turtles and mice , snails and centipedes , fish and ferns .