- 那位老人亲切地招呼我们。
- The old man greeted us kindly .
- 因为图茨已把他举到座位上,而且态度很亲切地做了这件事。
- For toots had lifted him into the seat , and done it kindly too .
- 父亲仿佛看透了他的心思,张开宽厚的手掌抚摸着他的头,然后和蔼地告诉他,只要你努力,而且坚持不懈,总有一天,你会走进这个房子,拥有它。
- My father seemed to see through his mind , open palm patted him on the head , then tell him kindly , as long as you work hard , and unremittingly , one day , you 'll walk into the house , to have it .
- 这两个年轻人品质高尚,谦逊和蔼,彼此间慷慨大方,充满义气,怀抱着探索广阔天地并建功立业的崇高热忱。
- They were young men of the most admirable character , modest and amiable , filled with a generous and manly affection for one another , and fired by a lofty enthusiasm which rejoiced in the wide field for discovery and fame that spread all around them .
- 对于瑞安先生民主党人之感到挫败,主要是因为他和蔼可亲的人格特质,而非其所持的保守派经济观点。
- Democrats are frustrated that mr ryan in particular is being defined more by his amiable personality than his conservative take on economics .
- 弗雷德汤普森,和蔼可亲,很受欢迎,但他还有待证明自己的实力
- He is amiable and popular , but fred thompson has yet to demonstrate that he is a heavyweight
- 另一方面,雷德克纳属于老一派英国教练,性格和蔼、喜欢与媒体说笑,假装战术幼稚。
- He is an affable character , who likes to laugh and joke with the press , and who feigns tactical naivety .
- 但希拉里仍然热情、和蔼和从容,她的话语中不时夹杂一些感叹词,比如“我的天”,哪怕她正在谈论国家大事。
- But clinton remains enthusiastic , affable and unhurried , her speech peppered with exclamations such as " oh my gosh " , even as she discusses issues of state .
- 一向和蔼可亲的克林顿先生是否能够在他与金正日相伴的3小时15分钟内(即使算上翻译的时间,对于闲谈来说也够漫长了)始终板着脸呢?这一点他的助手没有透露。
- Whether the normally affable mr clinton managed to stay poker-faced through the three hours and 15 minutes he and mr kim spent in each other 's company ( long enough , even with translation , for a chin-wag ) , his aides are not saying .
- 大多数西方人的确很友好。
- Most of them are friendly .
- mariusroosendaal在他自己的网站中使用了友好的口气。
- Marius roosendaal uses a relaxed and friendly tone on his website .
- 主权财富基金在美国受到还算友好的礼遇很可能是暂时的。
- The relatively friendly welcome sovereign funds have found in america may be temporary .