- 秋天的寒风把藤上的叶子差不多全都吹掉了,几乎只有光秃的枝条还缠附在剥落的砖块上。
- The cold breath of autumn had stricken its leaves from the vine until its skeleton branches clung , almost bare , to the crumbling bricks .
- 在安大略省,葡萄的种植者开始抗议这种行为,因为它威胁到他们的生计,而且成千上万的加拿大葡萄已经腐烂在葡萄藤商因为生产者使用进口的葡萄去制造自己国家的葡萄酒。
- Grape growers in ontario began protesting the practice as a threat to their livelihood claiming that thousands of tons of canadian grapes are left rotting on the vine because producers are using imported grapes to make wine labelled as " canadian " .
- 喜乐是实在,它不一定是采摘到果实,但没有行动果子将烂在藤蔓上。
- Happiness , in truth , may not be the fruit plucked by my action yet without action all fruit will die on the vine .
- 我们用基本上都是用稻杆、黄瓜藤和其他的谷物残余来饲喂我们的牛羊。
- We raise our cows and goats almost entirely on corn stalks , cucumber vines and other crop wastes .
- 在加强葡萄对这些疾病的抗性方便,gray博士目前已经进行了好几年的研究。
- Dr gray has been working for years on making vines resistant to these diseases by modifying their genes .
- 如果站起来舒缓一下背部的话,他们的头就会戳到葡萄藤,那上面可都是农药。
- Standing up to relieve their backs thrust their heads into the vines , which are covered in pesticides .