- 但是他们用完了最后的动力。
- But they run out of steam eventually .
- 蒸汽在她们的头顶上升腾。
- Steam rises above their heads .
- 期望他们能制造出蒸汽。
- Here 's hoping they make steam .
- 与之相反,新的研究包括全部范围的污染物,包括二氧化硫,氮氧化物和水蒸汽。
- Instead , the new study included a full range of pollutants , including sulfur dioxide , nitrogen oxide and water vapor .
- 该词衍生出许多含义,原意是’升入云中‘,就好像尘埃、水汽与烟雾一般,语义上与呼吸有关……
- The base of a wide variety of derivatives that mean ' to rise in a cloud , ' as dust , vapor or smoke , and related to semantic notions of breath ......
- 先前的飞船的探测发现了水汽,钠和有机分子,但是科学家需要知道更多羽毛状喷射物的组成和其来源的特征性密度,这个来源可能是在卫星冰冻表面下的一个液态的海洋。
- Previous flybys detected water vapor , sodium and organic molecules , but scientists need to know more aboutthe plume 's composition and density to characterize the source , possibly a liquid ocean under the moon 's icy surface .
- 没有水蒸气就意味着火星表面并不存在广泛分布的水源。
- No water vapour meant no widespread water on mars 's surface .
- 水蒸气冷凝形成无数的小水滴,使光线发生散射。
- Water vapour condenses to form thousands of tiny water droplets which scatter light .
- 水蒸气就相当于温室气体。
- And water vapour is green house gas .