- 在今年早些时候在《关节炎治疗与研究》杂志上发表的一篇调查中,芝加哥洛许大学医学中心的风湿病学家naijashakoor和她的同事发现,赤足走路,或是穿平跟,软底的鞋子走路对膝关节是最好的。
- In a study published earlier this year in the journal arthritis care & research , rheumatologist naija shakoor of rush university medical center in chicago and colleagues found that walking barefoot or wearing flat , flexible shoes were best for knee joints .
- 在今年早些时候在《关节炎治疗与研究》杂志上发表的一篇调查中,芝加哥洛许大学医学中心的风湿病学家naijashakoor和她的同事发现,赤足走路,或是穿平跟,软底的鞋子走路对膝关节是最好的。
- In a study published earlier this year in the journal arthritis care & research , rheumatologist naija shakoor of rush university medical center in chicago and colleagues found that walking barefoot or wearing flat , flexible shoes were best for knee joints .