- 生长在弗罗里达南部和古巴的小而低矮结实的扇形棕榈.
- Small stocky fan palm of southern florida and cuba .
- 他们发现就在他们公司总部所在的佛罗里达的palmetto几公里之外有一家:dynamicinnovations,一个生产坚固耐用的计算机和其它设备的公司。
- They found one just a few miles away from their palmetto , florida , headquarters : dynamic innovations , a maker of ruggedized computers and other equipment .
- 也许吧:棕榈之州的选民们告诉记者金里奇貌似为赢取和奥巴马辩论而准备最充分的一个。
- Perhaps : many voters in the palmetto state told reporters that mr gingrich looked best equipped to win debates with barack obama .
- 她的继父jimlewis把一些她的家具带回了palmetto她的梳妆台,她的娱乐中心jimlewis想为她把房间布置得像家一样。
- Her stepfather , jim lewis , brought some of her furniture back to palmetto - her dressing table , her entertainment center - and tried to create a room that would feel very much like home to her .