- 俄亥俄州警员及消防员退休基金(ohiopoliceandfireretirementsystem)是brantleypartnersiv的投资者之一,如今依然在支付管理费。
- The ohio police and fire pension fund , one of the brantley partners iv investors , still is paying fees to the fund .
- 政府决定改善雇佣制度(hartziv)或对长期失业的救济的程度上的决策是违反宪法规定的,争论双方都遵守宪法法院对此的裁决。
- The argument follows a ruling of the constitutional court that the government 's method of determining the level of hartz iv , or long-term unemployment benefit , is unconstitutional .
- 2012年1月环护部说,从2013年7月起柴油车将实行国iv排放标准。
- The environment ministry said in january 2012 that the national iv standards would be applied to diesel-engine vehicles from july 2013 .
- 不过那并没能保护林和李。
- That didn 't protect lin and li .
- 每次余震都让李女士感到害怕。
- Every aftershock terrifies ms. li .
- 小黄帮着把李明航扶进一辆出租里,但受伤的李明航不久就死于一家本地医院。
- Huang helped li into a taxi ; the injured man later died at a local hospital .