- 在富裕的沿海省份和落后的内陆之间也有同样的严重的差距。
- A similarly sharp divergence has occurred between the wealthy coastal provinces and the backward interior .
- 我能感觉到你向后摔倒,你的手挥舞着保护我。
- I could feel you fall backward , and your hands flying up to protect me .
- 尽量不要让头部向前、向后或向两侧倾斜,同时膝盖不要用力,保持放松状态。
- Try not to tilt your head forward backward or sideways and make sure your knees are relaxed - not locked .
- 这些国家的收入增长继续落后于东亚和南美。
- Income growth continues to fall behind east asia and south america .
- 与别人或队伍一起过街时,注意要跟上,不要掉队,不要落单。
- Make sure to keep up when moving across town with another person or a group . Don 't fall behind and don 't get separated .
- 我不想落在别人后面。
- I don 't want to fall behind .
- 姚明为我们留下了怎样的传奇?
- What kind of legacy will yao leave behind ?
- 登榜人物包括贾斯汀比伯、奥普拉温弗瑞等流行文化巨头,以及在3月11日日本地震和海啸发生时,拒绝丢下遇难者的医生菅野武。
- The list includes pop culture giants such as justin bieber and oprah winfrey plus the lesser known takeshi kanno a japanese doctor who refused to leave behind victims of the march 11 earthquake and tsunami .
- 她自己弄清楚了到底哪种庇护住所对她来说最合适,她想要多大的公寓,还有该丢弃哪些家具。
- She worked out which sheltered accommodation would suit her best what size flat she wanted and which furniture to leave behind .