- 一些经济学家认为这拉长了经济萧条的时间。
- Some economists say that prolonged the slump .
- 他在住宅市场暴跌中应对的相当好。
- He has dealt reasonably well with the housing-market slump .
- 请永远记住:这次萧条是可以治愈的。
- But always remember : this slump can be cured .
- 危险在这种美丽荒凉中等待着你,也许还有火星人。
- Danger awaits you on this the desolate beauty , and perhaps martians too .
- 在这荒凉的地方,她再怎样尖叫,他也不怕。
- Of her screams in that desolate region he had no fear .
- 另外,他们能看见的只是一片丑陋和荒凉的原野,是否充斥着野兽和野人?
- Besides , what could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness , full of wilde beasts and wilde men ?
- 但总体给人的印象还是萧条。
- But the overall impression is bleak .
- 在jlr,情况也不是完全这么黯淡。
- The picture is not entirely bleak at jlr .
- 所有的恋爱关系都要经历黯淡期和各种波折。
- All relationships go through bleak periods and rough patches .