- 但是集中营的唯一目的是种族灭绝,所以法院判定德米扬鲁克必然是该罪行的一名共犯。
- But the camp 's sole purpose was to exterminate people , so mr demjanjuk must have been an accomplice to the crime , the court ruled .
- 你带这犯亵渎罪的人到营外去,凡听见他说亵渎话的人,都按手在他头上,然后令全体会众用石头砸死他。
- Saying : bring forth the blasphemer without the camp , and let them that heard him , put their hands upon his head , and let all the people stone him .
- 在联合国要求叙利亚政府从居民区撤军的最后期限到来前夕,据报道叙利亚政府军打死打伤土耳其境内一个难民营的4人,并在黎巴嫩北部打死一名黎巴嫩摄影师。
- On the eve of a un deadline for the syrian government to withdraw its troops from populated areas , its forces were reported to have shot and wounded four people in a turkish refugee camp and killed a lebanese cameraman in north lebanon .